Planned Residential Developments (PRD)

Redmond Hearing Examiner Archive

Planned Residential Developments (PRD)

For more information on Hearing Examiner case files:
Please contact the Office of the Hearing Examiner at the City Clerk's Office: 425-556-2190

Hearing Matter Description Agenda Final Action Minutes
Greystone Manor PPL/PRD Subdivision and construction of 43.66 acres into 184 single-family residences, including three duplexes, associated roads, utilities, open space and frontage improvements. 05/17/12 L090099
Hawthorne Lane PPL/PRD Application of Rick Burnstead Construction for a Preliminary Plat and Planned Residential Development - subdivision of an 8.10 acre site within the R-4 zoning district into 38 single-family detached and attached units 12/19/11 L070570, L070571, L070572 Minutes
Shaughnessy Heights PRD Modification Application of Barry Margolese, IBBO LLC/ Amalani LLC for a Modification to an existing Planned Residential Development (PRD) - L050181. 07/06/11 L110195 Minutes
Chablis PPL/PRD Application of John Baumann, Heartland Signature Homes, for a Preliminary Plat (PPL) and Planned Residential Development (PRD) - subdivision of 4.36 acres into 20 lots and one cottage development with 4 units. 04/06/11 L090097 Minutes
Cryder PPL/PRD The application of CamWest Development, LLC, for a Planned Residential Development (PRD) and Preliminary Plat (PPL) to create 28 single family residences 03/03/10 L070523